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『 LiTV 線上影視』的核心維運平臺—

vSphere 6 虛擬化平臺與 VMware vSOM 管理方案

聚碩科技(股)公司/LiT V線上影視

專案摘要Executive Summary

LiTV線上影視開臺前,原以經營網路電視服務為主,用戶數相對有限,易於掌握運算資源需求變化,因此除部份測試實驗室架設在 vSphere 虛擬化環境外,其餘系統多在實體伺服器運行。
後為將提供應用服務的基礎,從原本實體機器轉換為虛擬平臺,及考量利視 IT 人力有限且事務繁忙,唯有善用智慧化管理工具,才能更加確保虛擬環境的效能及可用性,和能即時瞭解虛擬環境運作狀況,讓管理者能迅速取得警示、辨識根本原因,以在最短時間除錯、降低維運負擔,故選擇了VMware vSOM 與 vSphere 6 打造 Non-Stop 維運平臺,以提供整合式管理介面,讓用戶清楚掌握各虛擬機與整體資源使用狀況,並具備預測分析、引導式修復功能。

Before LiTV launched the online video services, they run the online TV services business originally , so the user's numbers are relatively limited and easy to get the change in demand of computing resources, and  except for the vSphere virtualization environment test laboratory architecture, the rest of the system run in the pragmatic servo mostly.
After the application services will provide the basis for the conversion from the original physical machine to a virtual platform, and considering the limited IT human resources, only use the smart management tools efficiently that they can more ensure the effectiveness and availability of the virtual environment, and can immediate realizing the virtual environment operating conditions, so that managers can quickly get the warning, identify the original reasons, then debug in the shortest time to reduce the burden on maintenance operation. Therefore, they chose VMware vSOM and vSphere 6 to build an Non-Stop maintenance operation platform to provide integrated management Interface allowing users to clearly grasp the virtual machines and the overall resources usages, also have predictive analysis, guided repairing functions.



2014 年間利視決定佈建 LiTV 線上影視平臺,但因新服務涉及大量程式開發、影音串流 API 的介接需求,加上手機或平板電腦使用者下載 App 看電影的趨勢,會員數量將比既有網路電視服務大幅增加,需要動用大量資源,同時必須考量服務流量起伏不定的特性,隨時動態增減資源配置,既有實體主機將難以因應這個新的服務需求。 

In 2014, the company decided to build the LiTV online video platform. However, due to the large number of new services involved in programs development, video streaming API requirements, plus the trend of  watching movies through downloading App on smart phones or tablets , the numbers of members would increase greatly compared to those of the original online TV services, which means that they required a large amount of resources, and needed to consider the fluctuating characteristics of service flows and increase or decrease the allocation of resources depending on condition at the same time. It is difficult for both existing and experienced entities to respond to this new service demand.


解決方案Solution—VMware 解決方案

要將提供應用服務的基礎,從原本實體機器轉換為虛擬平臺,他們評估了幾個伺服器虛擬化方案的選項,最後決定採用市場佔有率高的 vSphere;原因之一是該技術已經獲得所有企業驗證;另外,利視的研發作業環境以 Linux 為主,本亦具備 VMware Certified Professional (VCP 5) 認證資格,對 VMware 產品熟悉度較高,也較能因應任何突發狀況;另又因考量利視 IT 人力有限且事務繁忙,唯有善用智慧化管理工具,才能更加確保虛擬環境的效能及可用性,故建議選用含有管理功能的 vSphere with Operations Management(vSOM)、vSphere 6 及 vCenter Server Standard,內含 6 顆實體 CPU 的 vSOM 以及一組 vCenter Server 授權。因為 vSOM 含 vSphere、vRealize Operations Standard 管理方案等,提供整合式管理介面,讓用戶清楚掌握各虛擬機與整體資源使用狀況,並具備預測分析、引導式修復功能。利視可藉此通盤瞭解虛擬環境運作狀況,萬一出現效能瓶頸或容量不足,管理者也能迅速取得警示,辨識根本原因,以最短時間輕鬆除錯,大幅降低維運負擔。

If they want to switch the basic of providing applications services from a physical appliance to a virtual platform, they evaluated some Server virtualization solutions, and finally decided to adopt vSphere with high market shares. One reason is because that technology has already gotten the certification from all enterprises; in addition, the R & D operating environment of LiTV is based on Linux, also has VMware Certified Professional (VCP 5) certification and more familiar to VMware products which makes it easier in response to unexpected situations. Besides, considering the limited human forces in IT plus heavy workload, only smart management tools can be used to ensure the effectiveness and availability of virtual environments. Therefore, it is recommended to use vSphere with Operations Management (vSOM) with management capabilities, vSphere 6 and vCenter Server Standard VSOM with 6 physical CPUs and a set of vCenter Server authorizations. Because vSOM includes vSphere and vRealize Operations Standard management solutions, it provides an integrated management interface that allows users to clearly understand the usage of each virtual machine and overall resources, as well as predictive analytics and guided remediation. As a general manager, LiTV is able to coontrol the operational situation of the virtual environment. In the event of effectiveness bottlenecks or insufficient capacity, managers can quickly obtain warnings, identify root causes, and easily debug in the shortest time, greatly reducing the burden on the maintenance operation.


客戶對 vSphere FT(Fault Tolerance) 新版功能尤其讚不絕口,只因為 vSphere 過往版本的 FT 支援範圍,僅限於一個 vCPU,但一般關鍵應用系統卻往往需要更大資源,所以在設定虛擬化系統時,必須準備兩套相同產品,才能達到操作過程零中斷;如今 vSphere 6 支援多達 4 個 vCPU、64GB 記憶體的虛擬機器,支援絕大多數關鍵應用系統, 已綽綽有餘,可協助企業將虛擬環境提升到 Non- Stop VM 境界,實現零中斷願景。
以 vSphere 6 虛擬化平臺與 VMware vSOM 管理方案做為『LiTV 線上影視』的核心維運平臺,成功打造高效率的虛擬化測試(Stage)與線上(Production)環境,也順勢建立堅強的管理機制,幫助 IT 人員輕鬆調配資源。2014 年 10 月,利視利用 vSOM 架設測試環境, 隔年上半再啟動線上環境;至今舉凡線上服務、金流、程式開發、影音串流 API 的介接,乃至進銷存等營運管理系統,皆利用 vSphere 與 vSOM 環境運作,虛擬機器總數已突破 100 臺。

Customers especially appreciate the new features of vSphere FT (Fault Tolerance). Just because the previous version of FT support for vSphere was limited to one vCPU, but in general, critical applications often require more resources ; therefore, when setting up a virtualized system, two identical sets of products must be prepared for zero operational interruptions. Now vSphere 6 supports up to four virtual machines with memory of vCPUs and 64GB to support the vast majority of critical applications today, helping organizations move their virtual environment up to Non- Stop VM  to achieve a zero-outage vision.
With the vSphere 6 virtualization platform and the VMware vSOM management solution as the core maintenance platforms of LiTV Online Video, we successfully created a highly efficient virtualized Stage and Production environment and built a strong management mechanism for helping IT staff easily distributes resources. In October 2014, LiTV used vSOM to set up a test environment and started up the online environment in the first half of next year. So far, all online services, cash flow, program development, APIs for video streaming , and even the management system of operation all use vSphere and vSOM environments, the total number of virtual machines are over 100.


Sysage Technology Co. Ltd owns international famous brands’ hardware and software production line, technical support personnel certified by Original Equipment Manufacturer, widely distributed marketing channels, and strong ability to provide technical consulting and maintenance service. Relying on its systematic integration and planning ability, Sysage dedicates in providing corporations systemized comprehensive solutions, and aims to be professional ICT Solution Provider.

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