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盛達A/VDSL內建3G/4G LTE VPN路由器系列提供300個零售店安全可靠的連結


專案摘要Executive Summary

在英國一間領先的冷凍食品公司在超過300間的店面採用EPoS系統整合信用卡交易並且連接總部,通過永遠在線以及安全的網路連接,這間公司可以增強顧客消費經驗,員工產能以及營運上的效率。因此,24小時的網路連線以及連鎖店面和總部之間傳輸的資訊加密是非常重要的,可以有效的預防數據遺失以及客戶資訊洩漏。但由於連鎖店面分佈在全國,也包含比較偏遠地區,因此要達到穩定的連線是有困難的,盛達為此提供解決方案,當有線連結斷線時,盛達內建A/VDSL 3G/4G LTE VPN路由器系列可以立刻切換到3G/4G LTE WAN介面備接網路,並確保網路永遠連線。
One of the leading frozen food companies in the U.K. has implemented EPoS system which integrates credit card transaction in over 300 retail stores to connect to the head office via an always-on and secure connection to further enhance customer experiences, employee productivity and operation efficiency. Thus, 24/7 internet connectivity and encrypted information transfer between stores and head office are paramount to prevent data loss and customer information leakage. Given the challenge of providing seamless information transmission at different retail store locations, including both rural and suburban areas, Billion provides an outstanding fallback and failover functionality to enable disaster and data recovery. When the wired connection goes offline, Billion A/VDSL embedded 3G/4G LTE VPN routers will back up the Internet connectivity by switching to 3G/4G LTE WAN interface immediately to make sure the connection is always online.




這一間冷凍食品公司在之前就只有設定一個WAN介面-DSL線。但是當DSL連接失敗,在總部以及零售店的數據傳輸不但會被阻礙也會被破壞。缺乏穩定的數據和信用卡交易程式,冷凍公司積極的尋找多WAN解決方案不論有線或無線是否提供以及VPN功能加強交易數據安全性。因為300連鎖店面分散在不同的地理區域,解決方案必須要適應不同的IP在DSL或是3G/4G LTE網絡上或在不同地理區域以及信號強度。
The leading frozen food company only had one WAN access interface which was the DSL line set up in chain stores before. However, when the DSL connection failed, data transmission to and from the head office would be interrupted and damaged. Lack of a seamless data and credit card transaction process, the company was looking for a multi-WAN solution (DSL and 3G/4G LTE) to provide an always-on Internet connectivity regardless either the wireless or wired connection was unavailable, as well as VPN functionality to secure transaction data. Since 300 retail stores geographically dispersed throughout the country, the solution was required to adapt with different IPs on both DSL and 3G/4G LTE network in various geography locations with strong signal strength.  




盛達提供內建A/VDSL 3G/4G LTE VPN路由器系列,BiPAC 7820NZ, BiPAC 7800NZ和BiPAC 8920NZ給每一間連鎖店。由於連鎖店面分佈在全國,其中包含比較偏遠地區,因此要達到穩定的連線是有困難的。盛達BiPAC 7820NZ, BiPAC 7800NZ和BiPAC 8920NZ內建了DSL和3G/4G LTE WAN介面,提供傑出的備接功能能及時的恢復數據。當有線連結斷線時,盛達內建A/VDSL 3G/4G LTE VPN路由器系列可以立刻切換到3G/4G LTE WAN介面備接網路,並確保網路永遠連線。
同時,盛達內建A/VDSL 3G/4G LTE VPN路由器系列支援多個VPN 規章,讓用戶可以同時建立高達16個VPN數據傳送道在連鎖店面以及總公司之間。” 有了盛達內建A/VDSL 3G/4G LTE VPN路由器,我們的連鎖店客戶不用擔心網路會斷線。我們的零售店備接功能提供穩定且可靠的數據傳送骨幹,幫助我們的客戶可增強競爭力和營運管理。Ben Chen, 盛達通訊部門主管表示。
Billion provides A/VDSL embedded 3G/4G LTE VPN routers series, BiPAC 7820NZ, 7800NZ, and 8920NZ, for each store. Given the challenge of providing seamless information transmission at different retail store locations, including both rural and suburban areas, Billion BiPAC 7820NZ, 7800NZ, and 8920NZ are embedded with DSL and 3G/4G LTE WAN interfaces, providing an outstanding fallback and failover functionality to enable disaster and data recovery. When the wired connection goes offline, Billion A/VDSL embedded 3G/4G LTE VPN routers will back up the Internet connectivity by switching to 3G/4G LTE WAN interface immediately to make sure the connection is always online.
Meanwhile, Billion A/VDSL embedded 3G/4G LTE VPN routers support multiple VPN protocols, allowing users to establish up to 16 VPN tunnels simultaneously between retail stores and head office in which all the data information will be encrypted and transferred safely."With Billion A/VDSL embedded 3G/4G LTE VPN routers, our retail customers can enjoy the best transaction experience without having to worry about Internet disconnection. Our retail store fallback and failover solutions provide a reliable and consistent data transmission backbone, helping our clients to strengthen their business competitiveness and chain store operation management,"said Ben Chen, Director of Product Communication Division of Billion Electric.


Billion BiPAC 4500VNPZ使Accents能夠全天候連結整個連鎖店系統。也因為解決了斷線問題,BiPAC 4500VNPZ使得Accents在保證客戶數據安全的同時,也不會有拒絕交易的問題產生。如今零售業務依賴於連續的互聯網連接,任何網路中斷的錯誤都會對企業的收入和聲譽造成破壞性的影響。故為了維運企業快速增長的業務量,故障轉移/業務連續性網絡解決方案是企業所有者的最佳選擇, Billion的產品解決方案能最大限度地為公司提高收入。

Billion BiPAC 4500VNPZ enables Accents to keep the entire store connected in a 24/7 operation mode. As a small business, providing flawless customer service is the top priority for Accents. Business continuity with the BiPAC 4500VNPZ allows Accents to never turn down a transaction while keeping their customers’ data safe and secure. Nowadays retail businesses are contingent on continuous and dependent internet connectivity. Any interruption can create a devastating impact on everything from revenues and reputation. In order to maintain a fast growing path business, Failover/Business continuity network solution is the best option for business owners. Billion’s product solution is designed to maximize your revenue.


關於盛達電業(股)公司  About Billion Electric Co., Ltd

盛達電業致力於電源與通訊產品的研發及製造已有超過40年的經驗,針對商業和工業的垂直市場,包括太陽能電站監控、智能路燈管理、車隊管理、智能巴士、安全金融服務、公共安全、緊急醫療和數位廣告等IoT或M2M (Machine to Machine) 的應用,盛達電業設計出堅固強韌的工業級寬頻 (4G/LTE/xDSL/Fiber) 路由器,並提供系統整合商、金融業者、連鎖超商一系列企業級產品及解決方案。

Billion Electric has been devoted to the R&D and manufacturing of communication network devices and power supply products for over 40 years.  For IoT or M2M (Machine to Machine) applications, Billion Electric has developed rugged industrial grade 4G/LTE/xDSL/Fiber broadband routers and solutions for the vertical market of business and industries, including solar farm monitoring, smart street light management, fleet management, smart bus, secure financial services, public security, emergency medical treatment, and digital advertisements.

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