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LEOTEK 光林照明解決方案

光林 LEOTEK (光寶集團) / 政府機構或城市營運單位

專案摘要Executive Summary

光寶科技長期聚焦核心光電元件與電子關鍵零組件的發展,提供廣泛應用於 LED 照明、雲端運算與工業自動化等領域的優秀產品。近年更積極投入智慧城市的發展,其 LEOTEK 光林照明解決方案為政府機構或城市營運單位提升維護及管理的效率與效益,運用成熟的 LED 技術增進道路能見度以強化公共安全,加上導入用電量準確追蹤與合理分配的技術,能根據環境光線與車流量調整相應亮度,有效降低能源消耗。

LITEON Technology has focused on the development of core optoelectronics components and electronic critical components for a long time, providing excellent products widely used in LED lighting, cloud computing and industrial automation. In recent years, more active in the development of smart cities, LEOTEK Guanglin lighting solutions for government agencies or city operation units to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance and management, the use of sophisticated LED technology to enhance road visibility to enhance public safety, coupled with the introduction of electricity Accurately track the amount and distribution of the technology, according to ambient light and traffic flow to adjust the corresponding brightness, effectively reduce energy consumption.



With the coming of cloud and IoT era, the government also promotes the smart city plan actively, and in the aspect of illumination, they want to strengthen the public security in cities, also hope the illumination regulate the brightness according to the surrounding light and traffic to reduce the cost on energy consumption effectively.


Leotek 光林照明解決方案為政府機構或城市營運單位提升維護及管理的效率與效益,運用成熟的 LED 技術增進道路能見度以強化公共安全,加上導入用電量準確追蹤與合理分配的技術,能根據環境光線與車流量調整相應亮度,有效降低能源消耗。 

在智慧路燈的部分,Leotek的智慧路燈採用高效能輸出LED晶粒,擁有最優異的光學表現,並採用Leotek優異的散熱技術,經過考量的機構設計,均勻的將熱從點至面排放出去,達到更好的散熱效果,且不只考量到照明需求,更整合規劃設計,使空間比例與建築物之間調和出最棒的風格。另在交通燈解決方案-LED交通號誌燈方面,Leotek憑藉優異的光學設計,提供Incandescent Look 與高均勻性產品,其具有優異的散熱與耐候特性,超過 7,000,000 unit 安裝於全球市場使用;而LED行人號誌燈能則提供不同的表示訊息,使城市能夠有條不紊的運轉,維持並暢通所有的交通狀況。最後在LED鐵道號誌燈的部分,Leotek採用長壽型LED技術,本身具備優異的均勻性與產品可靠度,簡易的安裝與維護方式,並有轉換燈號(Transit Signal)與用電指示燈可供選擇,是能大幅提升城市管理的效率。

Leotek Lighting Solutions enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance and management for government institutions and city operation offices, using matured LED technology to enhance road visibility to enhance public security, and imports the technology of accurately tracking and reasonably distributing electricity according to the surrounding light and traffic to adjust the appropriate brightness, effectively reduce energy consumption. In the aspect of smart streetlight , Leotek's smart streetlights feature high-performance output LED CHIP with the highest optical performance and Leotek's superior cooling technology, which is engineered to allow even heat to be emitted from point to surface, Achieve better cooling effect, and not only consider the lighting needs, more integrated planning and design, so that the ratio of space and buildings to reconcile the best style. In addition, in the traffic light solution-LED traffic lights, Leotek offers Incandescent Look and high uniformity products with excellent optical design, excellent heat dissipation and weather resistance, more than 7,000,000 unit installed in the global market; and LED Pedestrian traffic lights can provide different representation messages to enable cities to operate orderly and maintain and smooth all traffic conditions. Lastly, in the part of LED railway lantern, Leotek adopts the longevity LED technology, which has excellent uniformity and product reliability, easy installation and maintenance, and has Transit Signal and Power Indicator The alternative is to significantly improve the efficiency of urban management.

光寶科技也專注提供最優質的技術與服務,於通訊網路領域推動城市網路普及,並由感測器、連接與管理平台三方面著手,簡化複雜的垂直設備整合,結合如空氣品質、溫度與土壤濕度等邊緣運算感測器,可同時匯集包括藍牙、LTE、LoRa、NB-IoT、sigfox 與 WiFi 無線網路等多種安全連接方式的閘道器,以及可管理設備、數據與帳號同時保障服務安全的平台,打造運用於智慧城市中更具效率的解決方案。

In addition, in order to meet the diversified application of smart city in the gradual expansion, LITEON is committed to creating a standardized platform to modular design and integration of sensing, connectivity and management systems to support customers in all aspects of the various needs of different situations, the proposed transport , Preservation and environmental monitoring and other solutions to monitor traffic condition using surveillance photography, traffic flow, license plate recognition, lane change and parking sensing technology, as well as through the monitoring of the number of people, illegal invasion, wandering retention and face recognition, etc. to enhance public security.
LITEON Technology also focuses on providing the best quality technology and services to promote the popularization of urban networks in the field of communications networks. It also simplifies the integration of complex vertical devices by integrating sensors, connectivity and management platforms. Combining technologies such as air quality, temperature Edge Sensing with Soil Moisture, etc. Simultaneously brings together a variety of secure connections including Bluetooth, LTE, LoRa, NB-IoT, sigfox and WiFi wireless networks, as well as managed devices, data and account protection Service-savvy platform to create more efficient solutions for use in smarter cities.



The quality of public construction shows the intentions of governance and the public experience will be faithfully reflected on the degree of administrative satisfaction. As the world's major cities are increasingly facing the challenge of upgrading their competitiveness to smart cities The higher the urban intelligence has become a pressing issue. With years of experience, LEOTEK, through its systematic platform and the "Light" as its carrier, has successfully used many different sensors to upgrade its street lights to smart street lights to create a densely populated urban area. Street lights in all corners of the city are able to speak and become an indispensable channel for information sharing in cities of the Internet of Things. As a result, administrators can continuously make dynamic adjustments and provide the best possible service to the people. Now that they have accumulated public construction projects of governments in over 30 countries around the world, it is adept at maintaining government customers and maintaining its projects. In the future, it will also continue to develop its applications in smart cities through a variety of smart applications, diverse platform services and different business models.


關於光寶科技 LITEON Technology 
LITEON focuses on developing optoelectronic components and crucial electronic components. LITEON integrate resource and management ability to obtain production advantage. LITEON’s products including optoelectronic product, information technology, storage device and portable mechanism component, leads the industry in the world. LITEON also actively enters IoT application field as developing cloud service, LED, energy, healthcare and industry4.0.

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18F., No. 50, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100506, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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