亞旭電腦(股)公司 Askey Computer Inc.
新型態的亞旭智慧城市系統設備,透過無線上網(WiFi)、行動上網(4G LTE)、網路攝錄影機(IP Camera)、智能感測(溫濕度、CO、CO2、PM2.5)、電子支付(NFC)、電子互動媒體(族群辨視)等網通科技智能化的應用,將一座座候車亭建構成其所在城市不同角落的資訊反饋神經元,以現時、現地、現況方式,將包含人流、資訊流、金流的資訊內容,串接在統一的內容管理伺服器(CMS Server)資訊管理暨發布平台,建構出整座城市的智慧數位神經。
Smart City--Taipei
New Askey Smart City system builds bus shelters to be information feedback neuro network in different cities in real-time ways through WIFI, 4G LTE, IP Camera, smart sensors, NFC, electric interaction media (ethnic identification) etc. smart information technology applications, to connect information including people, information and cash flow in unified CMS Server information management and publishing platform, then builds the smart digital neuro network of the whole city.
The Askey Smart Bus Stop, with its large screens, displays clear bus routes and real-time traffic information, thus avoiding that passengers need to get close to tiny route maps and timetables in order to get the information they need. In addition to bus traffic information, this System offers e-payment possibilities. And if they use the App, passengers can continuously get updated bus routes and timetables as well as promotional and practical information. The App also includes voice recognition for the visually impaired as well as multi language services for tourists to help them with orientation. Real-time weather and air quality information (e.g. PM2.5 index for airborne particles) are also displayed.
億光電子工業(股)公司 Everlight Electronics Co. Ltd
智慧路燈 Smart Street Light
環境光感測元件(Ambient Light Sensor,ALS)為光感測器之一,能量測所在環境周遭光量,並以近似人眼的響應特性感知光強,繼而自動調節亮度。而路燈採用 ALS 便可自動偵測陽光,隨著天色明暗而自動調整亮度,汽車頭燈的自動啟閉也是同樣應用方式。其他熱門應用還包括太陽能系統,將 ALS 應用於太陽能農場(Solar farm),使太陽能板隨著太陽方位精確轉動朝向效率較高的能量收集角度,如此一來,就能避免太陽能板因轉動角度不精確而減少可收集到的太陽能。
Ambient Light Sensor(ALS) is one of light sensors, it can measure the surrounding light amount, and sense the light strength as human eyes to regulate the luminance automatically. Everlight release the ALS products,Street light can use ALS to detect sunlight and regulate the luminance with brightness and darkness , and the cars head lights switch also use the same application. Other hot applications including solar system, apply ALS on Solar farm, makes solar panels precisely rotate with the orientation of sun to get the most energy collection, which could avoid solar panels reducing the solar energy for their inaccurate rotation angle in this way.
盛達電業(股)公司 Billion Electric Co., Ltd
智慧巴士Smart Bus Intelligent In-Vehicle WiFi HotSpot Solution
巴士公司尋找可靠的智慧巴士解決方案,以提供在移動車輛的付費WiFi 熱點服務,並回傳司機及車輛情況給派車中心,使其能進行及時管理。盛達M500提供優質的智慧城市以及智慧交通4G/LTE路由器包含雙無線電及SIM,協助系統整合商設計永遠在無線建設,先進車載移動服務和WiFi熱點強制門戶。支持10-56V DC設計用於踪瞬態電壓電源輸入和處理定位的GPS / GLONASS。Billion M500是一個工業型車載路由器,並通過 European E-Mark (E1)認證並提供驗證登錄,讓客戶有好的智慧巴士體驗。如M500提供OBD及線上GPS系統定位地理位置分散的車輛、提供客戶使用電子設備上網,看影片等快速的上載及下載速度、支持4G/LTE 及時的影像通訊,監控及擴大無線覆蓋率到偏遠或是地理環境不好的區域,並且維持穩定的連線。
Bus companies look for reliable Smart Bus solutions that can provide free or pay-for-use WiFi Hotspot service in the moving vehicles and the delivery of driver and vehicle status back to the centralized dispatch center for real-time management. Billion M500 provides an excellent Smart City and Smart Transportation 4G/LTE router with dual radio and SIM, assisting system integrators in designing an always-on wireless architecture with the advancement of onboard mobile service and HotSpot captive portal. Supporting 10-56V DC power input designed for handling transient voltage and GPS/GLONASS for location tracking, Billion M500 is an industrial-grade, in-vehicle computing router that as passed the European E-Mark (E1) certification with authentication login to enable a Smart Bus experience.
Billion M500 offers OBD and on-line GPS tracking system indicating the geographic locations of scattered vehicles, providing ultra downlink and uplink rate that serve as 4G/LTE Wi-Fi Hotspot for passengers to surf the Internet and enjoy instant video streaming on all personal electronic devices. Supporting 4G/LTE real-time streaming for video communications, surveillance, and monitoring, Billion M500 broadens wireless coverage to rough terrains and rural areas and persists unsurpassed connectivity without interruptions
車隊管理Fleet Management
Fleet management companies are increasingly embracing the IoT vehicle tracking service to ensure the highest service productivity with enhanced safety and vehicle asset management. Billion Fleet Management solution empowers operators and service providers not only to maximize fleet efficiencies and performance, but also to consolidate billing and invoicing functionality to deliver real-time communication with customers. Billion M500 provides a bi-directional connection between drivers and dispatchers to collects all intra-vehicle data, including engine speed, tire pressure, improper braking, throttle recordings, as well as provide a detailed record of vehicle driving operations and reduce unnecessary costs. Billion M500 can measure driver’s behaviors and proactively monitors vehicle fleet maintenance to improve driver and traffic safety.
光寶科技 LITEON Smart Factory
LITE-ON is helping cities break those obstacles by creating an infrastructure that will enable wireless communication, sensors, surveillance equipment and intelligent street lighting systems with ease. Furthermore, together with our partners we are creating an ecosystem capable of providing the tangible and intangible components needed for smart city development.
With the certainty of future urban development, LEOTEK has created an intelligent lighting solution to further generate energy savings with various dimming techniques while having the capacity to be utilized as a platform for smart city solutions. Integrating information communication technologies (ICT) with sensors and monitoring systems with the street lights, a neural network is established for the city to be managed more efficiently by collecting real-time data including but not limited to humidity, CO2/O2, object tracking, images and sounds.
智慧交通Intelligent Transport
停車導引:光寶的智能監控方案和車輛感測器結合系統廠的停車導引系統,提供即時且精準資訊,有效引導車輛停放,改善交通拥堵状况。即時路況回報: 透過安裝在各區路段之監控系統所偵測之即時交通資訊了解道路交通狀況及車流量,有效紓解車流,維護交通順暢。另外透過車牌追蹤辨識系統管理車輛進出,如有異常情形發生時,會發出警報給後端監控人員進行判斷,如有危險則馬上請人過去處理,以達事前預防功能。
Smart Parking: In a densely populated city, 30% of traffic congestion is caused by drivers searching for parking. This act alone wastes energy, the driver’s time and generates more pollution. LITE-ON’s smart parking solution is various types of detection sensors suitable for indoor and outdoor use that can be integrated with the city’s parking system. This provides cities with the flexibility to implement smart parking spaces where it was not possible before or to options improve on the current parking systems.
Real-time Traffic Reporting: By setting up monitoring systems along the roadway we can obtain real-time information such as traffic congestions, traffic flow, and other traffic conditions that will provide insights on improving roadway use throughout the city. Also LITE-ON’s license plate recognition system further manages traffic flow direction in and out of the city with conditioned alarms to notify the control center of suspicious activities. The control center can then take actions as a prevention method.
城市安全建設 Intelligent Security
With climate abnormalities and violent activities occurring more often, it is important for a city to improve safety for its citizens. A smart city can collect real-time data to set in motion prevention routines or handle the situation in a timely and efficient manner. LITE-ON’s smart security system uses various sensors to detect and notify the right authorities with relevant information to dispatch who is needed, when they are needed.
世平興業World Peace Industrial Group
NXP QN9080 的共用單車解決方案 NXP QN9080 shared bicycles solution
隨著移動互聯網、物聯網的快速發展,以摩拜、ofo為代表的共用單車應運而生。基於共用單車的火爆程度,世平集團也推出了基於NXP QN9080的共用單車解決方案,旨在説明客戶快速實現設計量產。世平方案支持NFC、BLE、GPRS/NB-IoT遠端開鎖等多種組合開鎖功能。除此之外,世平方案還具備通訊定位功能和電源管理功能,其中通訊定位功能可採用展訊SC6531E+SC2393實現。
With the fast development of internet and IoT, it comes into shared bicycles like
Mobike, ofo etc. Depending on this shared bicycles trend, WPI launched the NXP QN9080 shared bicycles solution, which explains the client realize the design production fast. Besides, WPI solution support NFC, BLE, GPRS/NB-IoT remote unlock etc many types of combination unlock functions. In addition, WPI solution also has communication positioning function and power management function, and communication positioning function can be displayed by Spreadtrum SC6531E+SC2393.